Juha Halttunen

+358 50 5740 236

I act as a partner responsible for policy content and planning. I joined Blic in January 2019, after having been Special Advisor to the Blue Group of Ministers since the beginning of the Sipilä government. Before that, I worked for three and a half years as an economic policy specialist in the Finns' group office. Both positions brought with them an extensive network of contacts with different parties, officials and interest groups, as well as a good understanding of the political decision-making processes.

I also have experience in drafting government programmes, having served as my party's secretary in the 2015 government negotiations in the economic and fiscal working groups at the heart of the negotiations. Working on the staff of the Minister of Labour, on the other hand, sparked my interest in the labour market and, above all, in its ongoing transformation.

At Blic, I have on my desk in particular issues related to energy and taxation.