Our work

The aim of the HX fighter programme was to replace the performance of the Hornet fleet, which will be decommissioned by the Finnish Air Force in 2025-2030, with a solution based on a multi-purpose fighter. The largest single public procurement in Finland's history (acquisition price of EUR 7-10 billion) was launched in 2016 and the procurement decision was made in 2021. Boeing, the world's largest aerospace company, offered Finland F/A-18E/F and EA-18G Growler multifunction fighters. 

The Boeing Company

The Suomen Icehearts ry [Finnish Icehearts Association] is an early intervention model that aims to prevent the exclusion of children and young people by using team sports. Icehearts provides long-term and professional growth support to children and families in need of support. A team of about 25 children will be together for 12 years and the team will be led by a coach with professional qualifications to lead the team.

Suomen Icehearts

Finnish Football Association

Palloliitto [The Finnish Football Association] is the umbrella organization for Finnish football, which is renewing its structures for the 2020s. The regional districts, which previously operated as independent associations, are merging into one nationwide organization. The transformation project began in early 2017 and will continue after the new, merged organization begins operations on January 1, 2020.

Kindred Group

Kindred Group is one of Europe's leading online gaming companies with over 21 million customers. The company is listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange and has offices around the world. Kindred Group is licensed to operate in the Nordic countries in Sweden and Denmark.

Pohjolan Voima

Millennials are rising into the arenas of power. The experiences, values ​​and operating models of these new generations are different from what we are used to. Millennials will, of course, also change the political environment and the lobbying that takes place within it. This change challenges us to consider the necessary changes in lobbying practices. 


Terveystalo is one of Finland 's leading healthcare service providers, with about 180 locations throughout Finland. Healthcare regulation, including the future roles of public and private operators in healthcare, defines Terveystalo's operations.


Energy company Kemijoki Ltd operates as Finland's most significant hydroelectric power producer in the Kemijoki, Lieksanjoki, and Kymijoki rivers. Kemijoki has been engaged in long-term and successful work for years to influence legislation and regulation in Finland, as well as in influencing the preparation of EU legislation in Brussels within various EU institutions. The company decided to assess areas for development and opportunities for streamlining its pubic affairs work with the help of an external party.

Tietoevry Tech Services

Tietoevry Tech Services is a leading Nordic provider of cloud services. The company has been closely following developments in EU regulation, particularly in the areas of data transfer, cloud computing and artificial intelligence. The digitalisation of societies presents companies and organisations with new challenges and opportunities, requiring agility and the ability to anticipate the future. In the EU, major legislative initiatives have responded to rapid technological developments, and understanding their impact is particularly important for actors like Tietoevry.

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