Parliamentary elections approaching - the importance of successful lobbying is highlighted in exceptional times

Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine has moved the political continental plates. Finland's security and energy policy, EU foreign policy and many other economic and political areas are currently undergoing rapid change. 

In addition to the current crises, the importance of influence is high in Finland as the 2023 parliamentary elections are fast approaching. Right now, parties are working on their election programmes, seeking positions on the elections and their agenda, and nominating their first candidates. This programming will ultimately determine the parties' main objectives for the elections, the forthcoming government programme negotiations and the electoral period as a whole. An added spice to the preparatory work is the need for all parties to update their policies in the light of the changed security policy environment. 

As society opens up after a long period of interest rate restrictions, politics and lobbying are now returning more and more to face-to-face encounters. In spring and summer, the Greens and the National Coalition Party will hold party congresses in May, and the Coalition, Centre and Left Alliance in June. In July, after a break of a couple of years, we will again be able to fully enjoy the Pori sunshine and the summer political festivals of SuomiAreena on 11-15 July. 

As well as providing much-needed encounters, these events also offer opportunities to raise new topics for discussion, build relationships and promote different advocacy objectives. Important venues for social actors. 

If you are interested in influencing policy in Finland in the 2023-2027 election period, the window is open right now. Timing is of the essence when it comes to influencing. Waiting until autumn or the beginning of next year is often too late to help. 

In a fast-changing political environment, the importance of influencing and informed decision-making is even greater. It is therefore in the interest of society as a whole that important decisions, even those prepared in a very short timeframe, are taken in consultation with the various parties concerned and with the best arguments in mind. Both business and civil society need to be involved. 

The exceptional situation also offers completely new opportunities. One example is the major consolidation of trends in national defence, security of supply and energy independence on the political agenda. There is a current demand for actors providing solutions to these issues. 

So have a great time making a difference to everyone! 

Akseli Rouvari

The author is a Blicin brainee, student lobbyist and expert in politics and communication.


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